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Make It Look Real Build Scale

Discover tips and techniques to help you build scale rc helicopters. You will see a lot of scratchbuilding and use of 3D printed parts. I have been building scale helicopters since 1984 and I still build with methods that have always worked for me. These may not be the latest and greatest methods but they work. You can reach me on Facebook @ Building Scale RC Helicopters

Visit us on Facebook @ Building Scale RC Helicopters

Youtube: Jonellis@buildingscalerchelicopters8891

Get ready to start on an exciting journey as you dive into the fasinating world of Scale RC Helicopters. Here at Make It Look Real Build Scale, we are dedicated about sharing our knowledge and experience to help you in building a beautiful scale model. Wheather you’re a beginner or an advanced builder we hope to share information that will assist you in building your model.